Friday, 1 February 2013

An Englishman's Castle......

If it's true an Englishman's Castle is his home
it will of course have some kind of throne.....
a fireside armchair in front of the TV
where he'll gawp, and eat, and drink his cup of tea
(and maybe a pint or two which makes him want to pee)

......another great throne of course is the loo
where he'll read the paper whilst doing a poo
on the hardest of seats he'll happily sit
oblivious to odours from his brace and bit*
reading for hours - because he's a true Brit.

©  Sonya Katasheva  2013

Author's Notes:  This poem just came to me when I remembered my father the other day and how he used to spend at least an hour sitting on the loo reading his paper!! I wonder if reading on the loo is a British thing? Maybe other cultures do it too.

"Brace and bit" is Cockney for "shit".

"Toilet reading is a common and benign habit. It is involved with a longer time spent in the toilet. It seems to be more for fun and not necessarily to solve or due to medical problems."